Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I made scones the other day. The ones in the picture aren't mine, I didn't take a pic, but they looked very similar. It all started with pancakes. I had bought a packet of frozen mixed berries and heated them with some sugar, so we could enjoy the ooze purplish goodness. I simmered what was left down to a jam like consistency. It was very strong, put seemed like it would be perfect for scones. I had never made scones so I was interested to try a recipe that seemed too simple to work.

2 Cups of Self-raising flour
1 cup of cream
1 cup of lemonade

Mix together, roll out, cut out circles and bake for 10 minutes.

Of course being me I added the following
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1 knob of butter - crumbed into the flour

The secret of scones is to mix the ingredients with a knife, until just mixed. You want to handle them as little as possible. try to roll the dough out only once defiantly no more then twice. This means you have to get tricky when cutting out your circles. You can place the rounds on the tray just touching each other. Brush with milk, egg or melted butter and bake for 10 minutes or until golden brown. Serve warm with jam and cream.

These only last a day, and not only because everyone scoffs their fluffy goodness.

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